Inspiration, Insight, and Encouragement

from Fellowship Connections

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4 Things To Do The Night Before Preach

One of our favorite topics to discuss on this blog is sermon prep. There are so many different strategies and tips you can implement if you want to improve your sermon preparation process. If you want to learn more about that, I would encourage you to check out our previous blog posts. But for today, I want to talk about five things you should do the night before you preach to make sure you’re ready to deliver your sermon the next day.

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How To Make Sure You Don’t Sacrifice Spiritual and Scriptural Depth In Your Sermons

In a previous blog post, we talked about how important it is to balance spiritual and Scriptural depth along with application in your sermons. Too much of one without the other can leave your congregation wanting more, and that’s the last thing we as pastors want our members to experience when they walk away from one of our sermons.  

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3 Ways To Start A Sermon

It is common for pastors to feel that the toughest part of sermon prep is writing and developing the opening and the closing. You have a topic, you have ideas for your points, and you know how to craft the meat of your message, but you struggle with how to open the sermon and exactly how to wrap up the teaching. Today, I want to focus on the opening portion of the sermon prep process. Here are three different ways you can start a sermon to make sure your congregation is engaged right out of the gate.

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Advice For Writing A Successful Sermon Series

Sermon series are common in churches today, but I don’t have to tell you that. Many churches operate based on a series model when it comes to their content planning strategy, but what does it look like to plan and write a successful sermon series? I have good news! That’s exactly the question we’re going to answer today. Consider these five pieces of advice when you’re writing your next sermon series.  

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How To Choose Your Next Sermon Series

Some might think coming up with only 52 preaching topics per year doesn’t sound like a lot, but boy oh boy, it can be quite the chore to come up with 52 topics year after year after year. For many pastors, this daunting task is broken into chunks of 4-12 weeks, which is what is commonly known as a sermon series.

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